H.L.A. Hart’s Interview (Hart生前的訪談)

這是Hart去世之前的訪談,我想對於許多人這大概是第一次聽到他的聲音!David Sugarman將錄音帶重新整理然後分段,每段訪談都不長,但聲音可能會有點小聲。對於法理學有興趣的人,這些訪談的意義一定價值非凡!強烈推薦!!按此聆聽!

Why Intellectuals Boycott the Chinatimes? Prof. Yen’s Interview (為何知識份子抵制中時?顏厥安教授的觀點)

Prof. Yen’s interview is HERE (Chinese only)!! But you can see the English news, HERE!! In a sense, this boycott movement is local due the its target is a local newspaper businessman. But I believe, from another perspective, that the claim implied in this movement is universal, that is, democracy matters!

Knobe’s Interview by 3:AM Magazine (Knobe的訪談)

我轉載過幾篇關於Knobe Effect的文章 (Here and Here),探討意向性行動的議題。實驗哲學算是個新興的領域,當然這個領域的興起跟傳統的哲學有很大的不同,跨界討論與研究方法等等的。其中一個重要的年輕理論家:Josh Knobe接受3:AM Magazine的訪問,按此閱讀!!

Brian Leiter talking about Nietzsche (Leiter討論尼采的五本書)

Brian Leiter接受The Browser的訪問,尼采的五本書。內容很短,值得一讀。不過,回應也很有趣!Brian Leiter on Nietzsche!!