The Lecture of Classical Jurisprudence-Shu-Perng Hwang on Hans Kelsen’s Vom Wesen und Wert der Demokratie(法理學經典導讀:黃舒芃教授導讀Kelsen的民主的本質與價值)


很有趣的一點是在提問中,不僅對於Kelsen本身的民主理論與規範理論有觸及,對於Kelsen的對手:Carl Schmitt也有被提出來討論,只能說這兩人是冤家路窄,迴避不了對方。最後,我想一個問題是可以深入思考的,議會是不是沒有辦法進行決斷?這或許不太一定。當然,這取決在一個先決觀念,決斷以及決斷所預設的條件是什麼。

Prof. Hwang‘s lecture on Kelsen’s book, Vom Wesen und Wert der Demokratie, is available online. (HERE) Kelsen’s book has the English version. Prof. Hwang is the leading scholar of Kelsen’s theory in Taiwan. Her lecture is informative and sophisticated. Again, if you understand Mandarin, this video will pave the way for your understanding of  Kelsen’s theory of democracy. Recommend!

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