電影「白米炸彈客」預告片(Tralier: The Rice Bomber)


This film is based on the true story in Taiwan when Taiwan’s gorvermenet decided to open its domestic market of agriculture. This policy had faced serious backlashs. A young man, after having his deliberative consideration, decided to set “bombers”, whose functions were suspicious, to protest this open-market policy. His protest has triggered off serious discussions on the question of civil disobedience, its justification, and the appropriateness of actions in this real case. Maybe in a sense this case could be considered as a landmark of civil disobedience in Taiwan in a way in which this real incident has inspired issues relevant to radically economic transformation in a transitional society and how a legal system should treat such actions. This trailer has English subtitles making it more accessible. And the English introduction for this file can be found HERE.

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